Experiences with Diigo, Blogging, Web2.0!

    My initial experiences with Diigo were a bit confusing at first. This was one of my first experiences with Diigo, and I am a bit indifferent about it. I like that you are able to have important information and articles in one place and that you are able to easily document your notes and annotations.  I personally feel like it's just something I wouldn't really use the software because I am a bit of a chaotic organizer and have a word doc for any important assignments.

    My experiences with blogging are also a bit funny, when I was younger I wanted to start a food blog prior to going vegan. I do enjoy blogging, I feel like this is something I could easily pick up as a hobby if I wanted to become a foodie :). I learned that blogging is actually a lot easier and blogger provides a bunch of cool user-friendly/beginner-friendly gadgets that you can use to make your blog visually appealing as well. The only thing that would discourage me from blogging is having to remember and keep up with the blog but I feel that once I start to write about something I'm extremely passionate about, I will be able to remember without writing it down in my calendar! 

    I feel that Pinterest is a very interesting web 2.0 tool! Pinterest Pinterest is a visual engine that allows you to find ideas like recipes, style inspiration, life hacks, and more. I have used Pinterest for creative lessons that I used to teach my siblings about colors or numbers. Overall, I really love Pinterest because the search engine is very subjective and connects you with similar content recommended by things that you "pin" to your Pinterest board, and you can use it as a PLN by following other people's boards! 

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Random quotes I like.

"Perception is reality and reality is perception, you wake up for F'd up stuff - that's what you find and all you notice. Want to change your life? Change your perception on your reality"- Kimasia

"In order to truly love who you are, you cannot hate any experiences that bent you - they merely shaped you into who you are today" - Kimasia

"The likes and the apologies, the snaps make it obvious that everybody on this f*****g planet lacking confidence" - Tyler the Creator, Buffalo

"Tell these Black kids they can be who they are" - Tyler the Creator

Random facts abt me:
- I was too young for Myspace really, so this is my version of myspace at this point, and will be treated as such until the semester is over.
- I teach yoga
- I genuinely love pink and soft things but I also love elegant colors like Black and royal purple, but I wanted this blog to have a soft look
- I curse a lot
- I do tarot and oracle
- I'm super goofy and laugh 24/7
- I have a business @SoulfullyOrganicLLC on instagram