Twitter, digital division, and academic software


                My early experiences using Twitter were relatively boring, at first I did not understand the hype about Twitter. After a while, I started to change what I saw on Twitter by following different people. I started following things that interested me such as Black gardeners and Black tarot readers. I feel that Twitter will be helpful within my career as an entrepreneur because I can use it to market my business 

I feel that digital division can negatively impact the student's success in school. Some of the causes of the digital divide are economic background and the resources available to the student. I feel that these divisions negatively can impact a student's rate of success in school because not all students have the same technology resources around. One thing that I could experience as a classroom teacher is a student who does not have any access to technology or the internet. 

Two Academic software tools I would like to implement in my future classroom are Class Dojo and is Brainpop. Class Dojo is an interactive monster-themed software that tracks student information based on stats within the actual class. Brainpop is an interactive software that has a plethora of grouped information specifically geared towards students ranging from reading, math, science, and more. I want to use Class dojo so that the students and student's parents can check their statistics on things like behavior, assignments, rewards, attendance, and more. I want to use Brainpop because I feel that it could be helpful for lesson planning and reaching students who might be visual and auditory learners. 


  1. I see how Brainpop can contribute to the diversity of learning resources in a classroom. Thanks for sharing!


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Random quotes I like.

"Perception is reality and reality is perception, you wake up for F'd up stuff - that's what you find and all you notice. Want to change your life? Change your perception on your reality"- Kimasia

"In order to truly love who you are, you cannot hate any experiences that bent you - they merely shaped you into who you are today" - Kimasia

"The likes and the apologies, the snaps make it obvious that everybody on this f*****g planet lacking confidence" - Tyler the Creator, Buffalo

"Tell these Black kids they can be who they are" - Tyler the Creator

Random facts abt me:
- I was too young for Myspace really, so this is my version of myspace at this point, and will be treated as such until the semester is over.
- I teach yoga
- I genuinely love pink and soft things but I also love elegant colors like Black and royal purple, but I wanted this blog to have a soft look
- I curse a lot
- I do tarot and oracle
- I'm super goofy and laugh 24/7
- I have a business @SoulfullyOrganicLLC on instagram