Experiences with Diigo, Blogging, Web2.0!
My initial experiences with Diigo were a bit confusing at first. This was one of my first experiences with Diigo, and I am a bit indifferent about it. I like that you are able to have important information and articles in one place and that you are able to easily document your notes and annotations. I personally feel like it's just something I wouldn't really use the software because I am a bit of a chaotic organizer and have a word doc for any important assignments. My experiences with blogging are also a bit funny, when I was younger I wanted to start a food blog prior to going vegan. I do enjoy blogging, I feel like this is something I could easily pick up as a hobby if I wanted to become a foodie :). I learned that blogging is actually a lot easier and blogger provides a bunch of cool user-friendly/beginner-friendly gadgets that you can use to make your blog visually appealing as well. The only thing that would discourage me from bloggin...